Calculating costs for a single painting (freshening) approximately.

The program automatically adding for each measurement (below left).
It is not calculated the cost of the masonry work or other features that may exist.

Calculation for a single room


Calculate the cost ...


Enter an absolute number.Enter an absolute number.Enter an absolute value is less than requested.The price is higher than requested.Enter an absolute number.You have exceeded the maximum value.


The work area


Information on the existing wall .

The surface is?


Enter an absolute number..Enter an absolute number. The price is less than requested. The price is higher than requested.Enter an absolute numberDo you exceed the maximum number

About the wall that will be created.

Vertical surfaces are the same color as the ceiling?


How many vertical surfaces will have a different color than the others?


The color of the new color will be ...


What is the price of color?


With the cheap paint colors will not be accurate with your choices.




Total measurements in €

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